Marine Incident
Where any one of the below occurs, a Marine Incident Form must be completed. To ensure accuracy and that appropriate incidents are being reported to MSQ in a timely manner, all incident forms MUST be submitted using the submission button to the left or emailed to with in 24 hours of the incident occurring. Forms will be vetted ensuring only those that require to be submitted will be sent to Maritime Safety Queensland.
Domestic commercial vessels
Under the Marine Safety (Domestic Commercial Vessel) National Law Act 2012 (the National Law), a marine incident is classified as:
a death of, or injury to, a person associated with the operation or navigation of a domestic commercial vessel
the loss or presumed loss of a domestic commercial vessel
a collision of a domestic commercial vessel with another vessel
a collision by a domestic commercial vessel with an object
the grounding, sinking, flooding or capsizing of a domestic commercial vessel
a fire on board a domestic commercial vessel
a loss of stability of a domestic commercial vessel that affects the safety of the vessel
the structural failure of a domestic commercial vessel
a close quarters situation
an event that results in, or could have resulted in:
the death of, or injury to, a person on board a domestic commercial vessel
or the loss of a person from a domestic commercial vessel
or a domestic commercial vessel becoming disabled and requiring assistance.
the fouling or damaging by a domestic commercial vessel of:
any pipeline or submarine cable
or any aid to navigation within the meaning of the Navigation Act 2012 of the Commonwealth.
a prescribed incident involving a domestic commercial vessel.