NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of the Branch Council for Surf Life Saving Queensland Sunshine Coast Branch Inc. will be held at the ‘Black Swan Room’ Maroochydore Surf Lifesaving Club on Saturday 26th September 2020 at 9.30am.
The business to be transacted at the COUNCIL Annual General Meeting shall be as per By-law 3.1 of the Constitution and is as follows:
i) Affiliation of the Clubs for the 2020-2021 season
ii) Election/Appointment of Branch Councilors
iii) Apologies and Proxies iv) Announcement of Life Membership Awards (if any)
v) Presentation of Annual Report & adoption of the Financial Statement
vi) Election of Executive Directors and Appointed Officers
vii) Endorsement of the Committee’s and Boards
(viii) Alterations of the Constitution (if any)
(ix) Motions of which due notice has been given
(x) Presentation of recognition awards; Buhk Wilkes Lifesaving Club of the Year, Handicap Champion Club of the Year and Champion Club of the Year