It is intended to be a fun, yet competitive event run to a tight time schedule and will feature events across 3 disciplines: Swim, Board and Ski.
It will be supported by new technology and flexibility around competitor groups. It will also place an emphasis on individual responsibility of competitors to be ready for their events at the allocated time.
The Carnival is designed to be completed in just over 3 hours during which time all competitors (assuming they have nominated for all 3 disciplines, which is not mandatory) will complete 5 races and accumulate points towards the Triple Crown in each competition group.
Cost will be just $20 per competitor and entries will be completed individually on-line.
A final bulletin directing competitors to the site will be issued in the coming weeks.
It is also planned to hold a second Quickfire Trial (a Masters Teams concept) as a twilight carnival early in 2021 (tentatively planned for Saturday afternoon 30 January at this stage).