Cultural Competency Workshop

Sunshine Coast multicultural citizenship continues to grow by at least 2000 people per year, 19.3% of our population were born overseas. The region also hosts over 3000 international students and welcomes at least 230,000 international visitors annually.

In addition, the Sunshine Coast International Airport will open in 2020 with the potential to attract up to 2 million more international visitors annually.

New migrants and international visitors are our highest risks on our beaches and cross-cultural communication skills are becoming increasing important to ensure their safety.

In response, Sunshine Coast Council is providing Sunshine Coast surf clubs an opportunity to attend a half day cultural competency workshop.

Why Attend?

• Learn practical tips and key insights into the mindset of people from diverse cultural backgrounds in relation to learning and participating in recreational activities

• Avoid making common mistakes when engaging with multicultural girls and women

• Incorporate culturally appropriate practices into your program design and delivery

• Using this workshop to implement small changes in our communication may save a life.

Workshop details are below;

Date: 7th or 27th of October (please advise which date you are available, the date with the most RSVP’s will be selected)

Location: Sunshine Coast Branch


Register for the Workshop